Fresh From The Vegan Slow Cooker

Fresh From The Vegan Slow Cooker

It’s time to get healthy this month and as always, we’re going to turn to some good, honest vegan cookery to get the calorie count down without compromising on taste.

We’re also getting to get our slow cookers out to do it with as it’s not just meat that can be made tender and yummy by letting it take its time to cook.

So, we’re going to need a little help with this as vegan cookery is something I am still experimenting with and for that I am turning to Fresh From The Vegan Slow Cooker: 200 Ultra-Convenient, Super-Tasty Recipes.

Vegan Dumpling And Veg Stew!

This recipe isn’t in the book, you can think of it as bonus content if you like.

It’s a wonderful creation from the London Afro-Vegan Recipes collective and I was surprised at how much my kids liked this.

We’re not a vegan family but we do try and eat more veggies each week because of how healthy they are! Check out the video here.

What did you think? Yummy, right?

About Fresh From The Vegan Slow Cooker

To get the most out of this – you must own a slow cooker.

Some of these recipes could probably be carried off in other ways but… you’d end up with something much tougher to eat. If you have the hardware, however, you’re in for a scrumptious set of treats.

These recipes are easy to make and the majority are quite family friendly.

If you’ve been dying to let your inner vegan out to play; then you need to try these awesome recipes.

You can find Fresh From The Vegan Slow Cooker: 200 Ultra-Convenient, Super-Tasty Recipes online here.

For more great recipes and inspiration don’t miss the curated list of our favorite cookbooks here!