Gordon Ramsay’s Home Cooking Is Everything You Need To Know To Make Fabulous Food

If you love cooking then you must have heard of Gordon Ramsay.

Mr. Ramsey is something of an acquired taste as he mixes hard-hitting business advice, quality food tips with foul language and an uncontrollable rage. This former footballer turned chef is now one of the world’s most successful food brands.

You don’t have to like him, however, to appreciate his food.

I do like him. I think his passion for food makes him one of the people you can always trust when it comes to advice and Gordon Ramsay’s Home Cooking: Everything You Need To Know To Make Fabulous Food demonstrates this in an excellent manner.

gordon ramsey

See Gordon In Action

If you are one of the rare few who hasn’t encountered Gordon, you can get a taste (geddit?) of him at his best in this lovely YouTube clip.

He shares his recipe for Merguez and Fontina Stuffed Croissants. (They’re delicious.)

Even if you don’t get his book, I recommend these croissants. They’re amazing!

So, Gordon’s Home Cooking?

This is one of the best recipe books on the market today. Practical, flavorful recipes that you can make in almost any kitchen. You’d be remiss to not pick up a copy pronto.

Gordon really knows his stuff and while I suspect he gets a bit of a hand with the writing – his knowledge is invaluable.

You can buy Gordon Ramsay’s Home Cooking: Everything You Need To Know To Make Fabulous Food online today!

If you’re looking for additional cookbooks make sure to read our picks for the best cookbooks here.